So there you are, searching through the hundreds of online discount stores, seeking those low-priced electronics that you are longing for. You know, the latest cameras, computers, cell phones, games, and other toys. Your wife is dreaming of some new home décor lamps and art work, and you are dreaming of that new shotgun from the outdoors section. But, what about jewelry...and clothing? With all the low-priced e-malls out there, how to you know which ones to buy from?
Well, do some homework! Check out each one that carries the item, or items, that you want to compare the prices. If that digital camera is only $50 here, why is it $75 there? If the home décor piece that your wife is dreaming about is only $100 here, why would it be $200 there? While there might be a small fluctuation in price from site to site, a large variation is enough to raise suspicions on your part. Electronics are a big thing on discount sites, mostly because they are expensive new, and people don't want to pay top dollar for something that will be out of date in a week. So, check out all of their electronics before you buy. Seeing the condition of other electronics that are in the same category will help you to know the type of condition that one is in.
Make sure that the item is the same, not bigger or fancier, and make sure that you are looking at the real thing. Check to see if these are new or used items. If they are used and are selling for the same price as new items on another e-mall, you're better off to go to the other e-mall! Jewelry is another big challenge. Make sure that you are seeing a picture of the actual item that you are buying. If you aren't comfortable, don't buy!
From outdoors equipment to electronics, eBay, and companies like it will have what you are looking for. If the other e-malls are turning you off by their high prices, click on over to eBay or another site like it to check their merchandise and pricing. You might just find that new video game a lot cheaper here than the site you were just on. Also, most people who sell on eBay or other similar sites have to go through a process just to sell their things here, new or used. There is also a return policy in place, so if you aren't happy, you can return it. eBay is a great place to find everything that you could want, jewelry included.
You can even find some one of a kind jewelry items here that will wow her when you give them. You will still need to make sure that you are seeing the actual item, and not a pretty picture.
While there are hundreds of low-price, high quality, e-malls out there, there are also the high-price, bad quality ones as well. You can always look through their "About Us" information to get a good idea of what the company or site is about. If they don't have a lot of information, or it's sketchy, you might consider emailing them with questions or just don't purchase from them. You can also look in the "Contact Us" section and email them with any questions that you might have about their company or products. Ask as many questions as you want until you feel comfortable with them.
Also, don't give out your credit card number anywhere on any site unless you are purchasing an item or two and they have a secure site so hackers can't get to your card number as easily.
Basically, just make sure that you check a site out completely before you jump in and buy from them. You should be able to tell right away from the look and feel of the site if it is a company that you would like to do business with or not. If they advertise millions of items and then only carry three, you might consider searching somewhere else. Also, if their shipping isn't through a major carrier, there is another red flag that you need to head on to the next e-mall! Use your common sense and have fun seeking out that new "toy" that you want.